“This is the system that needs to be fielded Army-wide…the rapid field of a company set of systems across our brigade increased our ability to communicate 10-fold, particularly with Allies that we fielded systems to.”

173IBCT Commander

173IBCT Commander


The ITN significantly enhances situational awareness at all echelons; particularly, Brigade and below.

Army Person

Army Person

Overall the ITN and in particular, PLI from the unclassified network, enhanced SA/SU of the tactical battlefield.


All Command Staff - US Army

“The ITN greatly enhanced my SA across the battlefield…it was the best tool I carried for real-time navigation and communication with subordinate units.  The system was very easy to use with minimum training required.  An absolutely incredible technological advancement in communications for military application.”

173IBCT BN Commander

US Army

Leadership and soldiers (2CR/1-508PIR/173ABCT) agree ITN significantly enhances SA and improves maneuver, fires, communications efficiency, and task speed/accuracy.

Army person

US Army

2CR CDR noted that Coalition partners exposed to the ITN (British, Germans, and Lithuanians) had positive feedback on the ITN and NWFI systems; coalition and joint interoperability were increased real-time.

Military personnel

US Army